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How is Skyline coming?

How is Skyline coming?

Postby DaftKai » 18 Jul 2013, 09:05

Hey guys,

I've kind of been away for a while and I was wondering how things were going?

Anything new for us to play with soon?

Also have you had a chance to checkout the possibilities for incorporating a motion capture system?
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Re: How is Skyline coming?

Postby SolarPortal » 18 Jul 2013, 10:32

Things are moving forward, with new features such as the rapid development system as seen in the last video created, and an enhanced material editor .
Game Mechanics are being built up for the FPS system, which includes "pickup items / Damage systems" as actions and LUA, we also have callbacks into LUA for the FPS plus more...

There have also been plenty of bug fixes aswell :D

As for the mocap, we have not been able to move forward on this idea yet as time is precious atm and we need to get skyline stable, as well as have the base feature set we had in mind for Version 1.0 of skyline.
But the idea has not been forgotten and will be pursued at some point in the future.

Note to all: We do plan for an update release soon, we are trying to finish our current tasks, then finalize and package :)
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Re: How is Skyline coming?

Postby DaftKai » 26 Jul 2013, 03:13

Thanks guys :)
Skyline Initiate
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